
Season Opener Weekend – Captain v Vice Captain

Captain Blair Taylor is delighted to announce as part of the opening weekend 2024 that on Sunday 7th April there will be a challenge match between two teams captained by Blair and Vice Captain Kevin Hamilton.

The competition will be Ryder Cup style singles match-play (in fourballs) with a shotgun start at 9:30am.

The competition is open to all membership categories (even if you don’t have a hcp, one will be assigned).

To be involved please use the sign in sheet on the notice board in Clubhouse. The closing date for entries is 31st March. With the team draw being made live on the 1st April…

Please note for this competition a Captains Special of a roll, coffee before round and a drink afterwards for the fee of £5:00 is in place (meeting in Clubhouse from 8:00am)

We hope you can come along and be part of our opening weekend event…and may the best team win!!

We wish Captain Blair every success this year…